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Social Democrats of Kyrgyzstan party opposes postponement of elections

The Social Democrats of Kyrgyzstan party opposes postponement of the parliamentary elections in the republic. Statement of the political organization, posted on Facebook, says.

Официальное заявление политической партии «Социал-демократы». Как лидер партии я выражаю признательность депутатам...

Опубликовано Сеидом Атамбаевым Четверг, 22 октября 2020 г.

«We oppose the postponement of the election date, as it violates the constitutional right of citizens in the election process and extends the term of office of the deputies. The new convocation of Parliament should deal with the issues of the referendum and amendments to the Constitution,» the party’s statement says.

The law adopted by the Parliament yesterday provides for suspension of Articles 38 and 63 of the Constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on Elections of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic and Deputies of the Parliament, which regulate the procedure for holding repeat parliamentary elections until the end of the constitutional reform. The dates for the elections will be set after implementation of the constitutional reform in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, but no later than June 1, 2021.

The specified law of the Kyrgyz Republic comes into force from the moment of its official publication and is valid until the completion of the constitutional reform.
