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Price of fuel in Kyrgyzstan may drop thanks to deliveries from Kazakhstan

Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of Industry, Energy and Subsoil Use Alymbek Orozbekov told 24.kg news agency about ongoing negotiations with Kazakhstan regarding the supply of fuel to Kyrgyzstan.

Details of an agreement are being worked out. Volumes and terms of deliveries will be determined by an indicative balance separately. «Most likely, Kazakhstan will supply only gasoline. They have a shortage of diesel and jet fuel. The volume of free oil will be very small,» Alymbek Orozbekov said.

Officials can not say so far when the supply of fuel will begin. The agreement must pass a ratification procedure in Kazakhstan.

«It is expected that there will be a downward price adjustment. Taking into account the current situation on the fuel and lubricants market in Kazakhstan, this may influence prices. Kazakhstan just lifted the embargo, fuel has not been supplied anywhere, so prices have gone down,» explained Alymbek Orozbekov.

Duty free fuel is supplied from Russia. There is no shortage of fuels and lubricants on the market.

In July, the state committee reported that it intended to achieve duty-free supplies of fuel and lubricants from Kazakhstan: crude oil — 200,000 tons, gasoline — 400,000-500,000 tons, diesel fuel — 200,000 tons. Kazakhstan is ready to begin deliveries in November.
