USD 87.45
EUR 90.93
RUB 0.90

Issue of securities brings to budget 10.4 billion soms since beginning of year

The issue of state securities brought to the budget of Kyrgyzstan 10,444.45 billion soms since the beginning of 2018. The Ministry of Finance reported.

According to it, due to the floatation of state treasury bills with a circulation period of one year, the treasury was replenished by 1,286.29 billion soms.

The most profitable were the state treasury bonds. They brought to the budget 9,158.16 billion soms.

The state received 2.4 and 3.9 billion soms from the issue of seven- and ten-year T-bills.

Slightly less income was received from two-year (1.1 billion soms) and three-year (1 billion soms) T-bills. The floatation of five-year T-bills brought the least amount — 642.46 million soms.
