Preliminary volumes of issuance of government securities in February 2023 have been announced. Plans for their placement are published on the website of the National Bank of Kyrgyzstan.
It is noted that it is planned to hold two auctions for the placement of state treasury bills with a circulation period of 12 months. The volume of placement will be 12 million soms.
In addition, three auctions for state treasury bonds are expected. The largest will be the issue of seven-year state treasury bonds with a coupon rate of 7 percent — 1.1 billion soms. In addition, auctions will be held for the sale of five-year state treasury bonds with a coupon rate of 6 percent for 350 million soms and two-year bonds with a rate of 5 percent for 300 million soms. The total volume of placements of state treasury bonds will amount to 1,750 billion soms.
Sale of government securities increases the domestic debt of the country. As of the end of November 2022, the domestic debt of Kyrgyzstan reached $1,074.04 billion (90,699.67 billion soms).