Airports Talas and Naryn are ready to be opened for regular flights. The head of the Directorate for Infrastructure Development of Manas International Airport OJSC Abdimalik Busurmankulov told today at a press conference.
«Unfortunately, at present, regular flights are not being operated to Talas and Naryn, but our airports are ready. If the airlines express a desire to perform regular flights on these routes, we are ready to invest there and open the hubs. We keep the necessary staff and maintain all infrastructure facilities,» he said.
«In total, we manage 11 airports, including Manas, Osh, Issyk-Kul, Karakol, Batken, Isfana, Jalal-Abad, Kerben, Talas, Naryn and Kazarman. Flights to Jalal-Abad, Batken, Isfana, Osh, Manas Airport are operated regularly. Issyk-Kul airport hosts regular flights during the summer tourist season, Karakol accommodates charter flights during the tourist season. There are also charter flights to other airports if there are orders,» Abdimalik Busurmankulov told.