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Distance learning at Kyrgyz universities to transform into electronic format

The Coordination Council on Quality and the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic approved the draft of the National Concept for the Development of e-Learning and Digital Management.

«E-learning today worldwide is seen as a key educational technology based on the Internet and multimedia, which allows to radically improve access to quality education. Until recently, there was no systematic approach to the development of e-learning at all levels of education in Kyrgyzstan. Therefore, we developed a concept document,» the Ministry of Education notes.

In particular, development of educational games for preschool education, pilot electronic courses and electronic textbooks for schools are provided.

Open educational resources will be integrated into a single National Education Platform, opening equal opportunities for access to quality educational products to citizens throughout the country, as well as beyond.

The system of teachers’ professional development will be transformed into the online format, which will allow more efficient use of material and human resources.

Pilot e-courses will be adapted for children with special needs, which will also allow them to expand their learning opportunities.

The full transfer of correspondence (distance) education to the electronic format, which allows using electronic resources regardless of the time and location of the student, is planned in the higher education sector. An online assessment system will be created that allows to strictly record the entire process, thereby ensuring its transparency.
