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Scientist from Kyrgyzstan becomes laureate of CIS Award Stars of Commonwealth

Academician of the National Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Department of Physical, Technical, Mathematical and Mining-Geological Sciences Altai Borubayev became the laureate of the CIS Commonwealth Star Award, National Academy of Sciences reported.

According to it, the scientist was awarded in the nomination «Science and Education» (with the award of two million rubles).

The prize was awarded for enriching world science with first-class scientific results, solving large mathematical problems, creating original basic textbooks for secondary and higher schools, and a number of training and production complexes.

National Academy of Sciences of the KR

Altai Borubaev is an Honored Worker of Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, two-time winner of the State Prize in Science and Technology, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, the author of more than 150 scientific and methodological works, Honorary Professor of Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, President of the Mathematical Society of the Turkic world.

The Interstate Award Stars of the Commonwealth was established in the field of science and education, culture and art, humanitarian activities. The solemn ceremony of awarding the laureates of the prize will be held in Moscow. The date of the awarding is being specified.
