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Young geologists from Kyrgyzstan - 2nd among CIS at Olympiad in Russia

The team «Starnnik» (wanderer) from Kyrgyzstan took the second place among the Commonwealth of Independent States at the 11th All-Russian Open Field Olympiad of Young Geologists, which was held in Russia on August 1-9. Press service of the State Committee for Industry, Energy and Subsoil Use of the Kyrgyz Republic reported.

According to it, 35 teams from Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus and Tajikistan took part in the competition — about 350 people.

The goal of the Olympiad is development of patriotism, love for one’s native land, careful attitude to nature and mineral wealth.

Kyrgyzstanis took the 29th place out of 35 in the team scoring.
