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Health Ministry vaccinates more than 180,000 people in epidemic season of 2017

If in 2016 more than 80,000 people were vaccinated, then in 2017 in the epidemic season the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan plans to vaccinate more than 180,000 people. The agency brings data from a meeting of representatives of the Ministry of Health with foreign partners, where issues of preventive vaccination against influenza were discussed.

It is noted that in the republic the minimum need for preventive vaccination of people from at-risk groups is more than 600,000 people, including medical workers, children from orphanages, boarding schools, elderly people from nursing homes, pregnant women, sickly children, but annual vaccination covers only 10-13 percent.

As a result of the meeting, an agreement for the delivery of a flu vaccine (105,000 doses), provision of supplies for vaccination and training of medical personnel was signed.
