«Modernization of Altynken should be carried out by Chinese side," Mining Enrichment Engineer, executive director of the Association of Miners and Geologists of Kyrgyzstan Gany Asanaliev said to journalists.
The expert denies that he stated about corruption schemes for the export of gold concentrate. He noted that at a meeting in the Parliament it was stated that the capital construction costs at
Due to increased costs for the implementation of the project on development of Taldy-Bulak Levoberezhny deposit, Kyrgyzaltyn OJSC will receive its dividends share in the amount of 40 percent only after 6–7 years.
«According to the feasibility study and agreements between the parties, the Dore gold supposed to be the final product. The Chinese side even insisted on carrying out refining. But the situation has changed now. In this regard, in my opinion, the Chinese side should bear full responsibility for preparing the feasibility study, the project, conducting