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President signs decree on construction of Kemin Eco-City

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov signed a decree «On implementation of the project for the construction of an environmentally friendly Kemin City in Kemin district of Chui region of the Kyrgyz Republic.»

The project is aimed at providing citizens with housing, reducing internal and external migration, retaining qualified personnel and reducing social tension in the regions.

The document states:

1. To begin implementation of the project on the construction of an environmentally friendly Kemin City in the territory of Kichi-Kemin rural municipality of Kemin district, Chui region with an area of ​​353.3 hectares.

2. To designate the state administration of Kemin district as the sole customer in the construction of Kemin City.

3. The ministries and administrative departments, the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic in Chui region and local government bodies of Kemin district have to:

— Provide the necessary information to the state administration of Kemin district within the framework of the legislation;

— Provide the necessary assistance in implementation of the construction of Kemin City.

4. The State Agency for Architecture, Construction, Housing and Public Utilities has to:

— Conduct pre-project work on engineering and geological, topographic surveys;

— Develop a master plan for Kemin City and submit it to the Cabinet of Ministers for approval;

— Jointly with the Ministry of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry, ensure drinking water supply and sanitation in the territory of the planned Kemin City.

5. The Ministry of Energy, jointly with the Ministry of Finance, National Electric Network of Kyrgyzstan OJSC, shall find funds and ensure the construction of external electrical networks for the power supply of the planned Kemin City.

6. The Cabinet of Ministers has to:

—Develop and approve the concept for the construction of an environmentally friendly Kemin City by June 1, 2025;

— Hold negotiations with investors and sign a relevant investment agreement on the implementation of the investment project for the construction of the environmentally friendly Kemin City;

— Develop and adopt the necessary regulatory legal acts on implementation of the decree.

Earlier it was reported that a land plot in Kemin district of Chui region with a total area of ​​353.3 hectares was transformed from the category of «agricultural land» to the category of «land of settlements». The corresponding resolution was signed by the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Adylbek Kasymaliev.

The transformation concerns 278.28 hectares of gardens, 39.9 — pastures, 2.6 — forests, 6.32 — canals and collecting canals, 2.6 — roads, highways and other land — 23.3 hectares.

The State Mortgage Company plans to begin construction work in March-April 2025.
