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Education Ministry of Kyrgyzstan proposes to create online school

The Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan proposes to create an online school Tunguch. The corresponding draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on the approval of the regulation on the online school was submitted for public discussion.

As the background statement says, the project was prepared in order to create conditions for the implementation of the guaranteed constitutional right to receive basic general and secondary general education. Its goal and objective is to expand the availability of school education with the issuance of state-issued documents for persons who are physically unable to attend general education organizations of the Kyrgyz Republic, regardless of the geographic location of students, their physical limitations or social status.

The main advantages of studying in an online general education organization are:

  • Gaining access to education for students, regardless of their actual place of residence/location, physical condition, availability of teaching staff, sanitary and epidemiological conditions;
  • Application of the latest achievements in the information and communication sphere;
  • Social equality;
  • Creative approach and an individual pace of learning.

The regulation defines the goals and objectives, the procedure for organizing the educational process carried out by an online general education organization, and creates conditions for the implementation of the right to receive free basic general and secondary general education. It also regulates the procedure for ensuring access of students and their parents (legal representatives) to the educational portal and information systems (educational, reference and methodological materials, open electronic resources and sources), and also guarantees the functioning of the quality monitoring system for the educational services provided.
