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Kyrgyzstan participates in experiment on tracking freight traffic

Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan will start an experiment on tracking cargo during rail and road transportation using electronic navigation seals. The relevant decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, published on the official website of legal information, says.

«To conduct an experiment on the use of electronic navigation seals in the transportation of goods in mutual trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation by rail and (or) road transport,» the document says.

The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation with the participation of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Federal Customs Service, the Federal Tax Service and the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision was appointed as the body responsible for the experiment.

The Digital Platforms Development Center will act as the national sealing operator in Russia. It is expected to complete the experiment and report on its progress on June 15.

According to the document, electronic navigation seals will be attached to railway vehicles at Biklyan railway station of Kuibyshev railway (a branch of Russian Railways), and to automobiles — at the places of loading goods in Moscow. The navigational seals will be removed from railway vehicles at the Magnitogorsk-Gruzovoi railway station of the South Ural railway (a branch of Russian Railways). As for road transport, it is planned to remove navigation seals from it at the places of unloading goods in Moscow.
