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26-year-old accomplice of international terrorist organization detained in Suzak

Employees of the State Committee for National Security (SCNS) detained a 26-year-old accomplice of an international terrorist organization, a resident of Suzak village, in Suzak district on January 13. Press center of the state committee reported.

«Being an active supporter of the jihadist ideology, the detainee through social media contacted emissaries of the international terrorist organization in Syria. Following their instructions, in order to attract new adherents, he distributed and propagated video messages of the radical preachers of Jamaat Tawhid wal-Jihad and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan on his personal page on Tik-Tok and Instagram,» the statement says.

During a search of the detainee’s house, three mobile phones were found and confiscated, with the help of which he published radical videos. The detainee was placed in the temporary detention center of the SCNS in Jalal-Abad region, operational and investigative measures are ongoing.
