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Sadyr Japarov urges to fight threats in information sphere

«The variety of illegal acts committed using information and communication technologies, reaching the global and transnational level, is expanding,» President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov said at the 6th summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA).

According to him, in such conditions, countries need common efforts and broad cooperation to combat them. He stressed that the Cabinet of Ministers notes the significant role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the social and economic development of society and implements programs that are consistent with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Within the framework of the CICA, the Kyrgyz side is ready for the practical implementation of the provisions of the leaders’ statement on cooperation in the field of ICT security and their use.

«I believe that the problem of ensuring security in the region, issues of promoting the reconstruction of Afghanistan, implementation of large regional infrastructure projects in various spheres of life of countries should remain priority tasks within our platform,» Sadyr Japarov also said.

The head of state mentioned the decision of the Kyrgyz side to become a co-coordinator in the field of «Trade and Investments» of the economic dimension. He is confident that to date Asia is the locomotive of the world economy and therefore it is extremely important to focus on the development of the economic direction. The republic counts on fruitful cooperation in this direction.

«Kyrgyzstan is also a co-coordinator in the field of «Human Dimension» and contributes to strengthening the inter-civilizational dialogue, strengthening friendship between peoples. The World Nomad Games, initiated by Kyrgyzstan, have become in demand in many countries, including among the CICA countries, stimulating the development of ethnic sport and the revival of national traditions,» said Sadyr Japarov.

The President drew attention to the fact that Kyrgyzstan is determined to work actively to implement the CICA action plan for the implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. The republic itself, according to the president, is conducting comprehensive work to combat terrorism and extremism.

Kyrgyzstan has already introduced a system of advance passenger information and passenger check-in data for international tracking of terrorist movements.

«Kyrgyzstan has developed and approved the state program to counter extremism and terrorism. It comprehensively reflects challenges and threats, forms goals and objectives, provides a clear algorithm for joint actions of both state bodies and the whole society to counter these phenomena within the country. We strive to make a feasible contribution to the common cause of the UN to ensure peace, global security, sustainable development and social progress throughout the world. Therefore, Kyrgyzstan put forward its candidacy for non-permanent members of the UN Security Council for 2027-2028. We count on the support of our candidacy,» Sadyr Japarov said.

He called for stepping up international efforts not only to combat terrorism and extremism, but also against transnational organized crime engaged in illegal activities in the field of drug and arms trafficking, human trafficking, money laundering and in cyberspace.

Kyrgyzstan, within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, is working on the issue of creating a Center for Combating International Organized Crime in Bishkek.

Sadyr Japarov also named counteraction to negative climate changes on Earth and adaptation to them as another new direction of security policy.

«Natural disasters have been recently observed in different regions of the world, including the CICA space, in the form of floods, mudflows, landslides and earthquakes, which caused great destruction and human casualties. We have no other alternative than to adapt to these complex natural processes. Our country is pursuing an active policy aimed at curbing and mitigating the negative climate impact on nature, especially on glaciers and biodiversity, and is putting forward important international initiatives. To further advance the sustainable mountain development agenda, Kyrgyzstan has put forward an initiative to declare 2023-2027 «Five Years of Action for Development of Mountain Regions». We are counting on your support for this creative idea,» the president concluded.
