The national karate-do team of Kyrgyzstan won nine medals at the Asian Championship, which takes place on December 18-22 in the city of Almaty (Kazakhstan).
Kanyshai Tursunbaeva (47 kilograms) won silver medal, Elnura Ibrayimova (+54 kilograms), Daniel Khudaiberdiev (52 kilograms), Mikhail Adamaliev (63 kilograms) won bronze medals among the cadets.
Umida Aisayeva (48 kilograms) took the first place, Sezim Esenkulova (53 kilograms) — the third place among juniors.
Olga Maltseva took the first place (+68 kilograms), Kalys Nurlanbek uulu (67 kilograms) and Nazim Nurlanov (75 kilograms) took the third place in the U21 category.