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Four families of children infected with HIV in hospital sue state

Children infected with HIV in medical institutions in 2006-2009 and their families continue to insist on bringing to justice the state responsible for their infection and demand moral compensation from it. The head of the Partnership Network Association Aibar Sultangaziev posted on Facebook.

According to him, after Kyrgyzstanis obtained compensation in favor of a boy who contracted HIV through the fault of doctors, the parents of other children began to raise this issue.

«Lawyers of the Partnership Network Association and the Soros Foundation — Kyrgyzstan, on behalf of and by power of attorney of the families, filed lawsuits for payment of moral compensation for the infection. The defendant is the Ministry of Health and Social Development and the Cabinet of Ministers,» he wrote.

Aibar Sultangaziev noted that four claims have been filed so far, and about 90 people have applied for legal assistance. «But it turned out that someone had already received compensation, someone’s documents were not in order,» he said.
