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Kyrgyzstan to introduce status of "strategic investor"

Status of «strategic investor» will be introduced in Kyrgyzstan. Minister of Investment of the country Almambet Shykmamatov stated at a meeting of the President Sadyr Japarov with representatives of business community.

According to him, the main goal of creation of a new ministry, which he heads, is to attract investors to the country and create favorable conditions for them.

«We will be business partners. If this is not enough, we will take care of them. The new version of the Constitution states that the state guarantees the protection of investments and subjects of investment activities in the manner determined by law. This enables us to develop regulations. Within the framework of it, the status of a strategic investor will appear in the future. The new law on public-private partnership simplifies procedures, eliminates many bureaucratic rules and obligations,» Almambet Shykmamatov told.
