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27 million soms spent on maintenance of members of Board of National Bank

At least 27 million soms have been spent on the maintenance of members of the Board of the National Bank of Kyrgyzstan in 2020. Deputy Samat Ibraev announced at a meeting of the Parliament today.

According to him, monthly expenses for each of the members of the Board of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic amount to 332,000 soms.

«In 2020, at least 27,960,000 have been spent on seven members of the Board, not taking into account international flights, business trips, their rest and of their families, official transport, driver’s salary,» Samat Ibraev said.

The deputy noted that the Chairman of the National Bank, Tolkunbek Abdygulov, spends 400,000 soms every month.

«Here you can add a preferential loan for bank representatives for a period of 15 years with 2-5 percent interest rate. Everyone knows the case when a debt — a multimillion-dollar loan of Tolkunbek Abdygulov was written off,» Samat Ibraev said.
