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National Bank of Kyrgyzstan has 51 tons of gold in its reserves

The National Bank has 51 tons of gold in its reserves to date. The President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov said in an interview with Kabar news agency.

According to him, until 2020, for 30 years of independence, only 16 tons of gold were collected in the country’s gold reserves. The figure increased by 35 tons for three years.

«Our international reserves today reached $3,491 billion. Since independence and until 2020 they amounted to only $2,424 billion,» the head of state said.

He noted that the National Bank team has added $1,067 billion in just three years.

«In addition, the National Bank has reduced the inflation rate to 5.2 percent. Compared to other countries, inflation in our republic today is lower. This is the result of the correct policy of the National Bank,» Sadyr Japarov believes.