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Kyrgyzstan registers 28 cases of botulism for 10 months

At least 28 cases of botulism with 57 victims have been registered in Kyrgyzstan for 10 months. Press center of the Ministry of Health reported.

The botulism cases were mainly registered in Osh region — 19 cases with 42 victims.

The ministry reminds that botulism is an acute food poisoning resulting from consumption of products contaminated with botulism bacillus and containing botulinum toxin, the nervous system is affected.

«The causative agent of botulism is the anaerobic bacillus Clostridium botulinum, which can grow without oxygen. It is capable of producing the most powerful poison in nature. The mortality rate in cases of untimely access to medical care reaches 70 percent,» the Ministry of Health said.

Symptoms of botulism appear after consuming the contaminated food within 2-36 hours, but sometimes the incubation period can last 8-10 days. Most often, the disease develops in 12-24 hours.

«In most cases, botulism begins acutely. It may occur in several family members or acquaintances at once, who ate canned salads or cucumbers, mushrooms, eggplants or other vegetables and meat products,» the ministry added.
