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Another rescued snow leopard transported to Bishkek

Another rescued snow leopard was transported to Bishkek from Naryn region of Kyrgyzstan. Zarina Esenbaeva, Spokesperson for the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU), told 24.kg news agency.

According to her, residents of Dzhumgal told Bars group that they had discovered the animal.

«Employees of NABU and the State Agency for Environmental Protection left for the place and found the debilitated animal in a barn,» Zarina Esenbaeva told.

According to owner of the barn, the snow leopard wanted to attack cattle, but the dogs scared it. The predator ran into the open barn and no longer tried to escape.

The resident drove the dogs away and immediately informed the local hunting expert, and then the Bars group.

The animal was brought to the office of NABU-Kyrgyzstan in the capital, where it was examined by a veterinarian Bakyt Azhybekov.

According to him, the snow leopard is supposedly 11-12 years old. It has three teeth missing.

«This suggests that the animal will not be able to hunt on its own. It needs good care and medical supervision. The snow leopard has eaten, growls at others and is in a stressful state,» the veterinarian added.

A wounded snow leopard was delivered from Talas region to Bishkek the day before. It was operated on — some of the pellets were removed. The predator will have to undergo another operation.
