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New rehabilitation center for snow leopards to be built in Kyrgyzstan

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kyrgyzstan to Germany Erlan Abdyldaev visited the federal office of the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) in Berlin and held talks with its Executive Director Leif Miller.

During the meeting, they discussed NABU projects in Kyrgyzstan, including construction of a new rehabilitation center for snow leopards and other wild animals and an eco-education center in Chui region.

The issues of development of project cooperation within the framework of the initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany «Green Central Asia» were considered, as well as plans to hold a number of events in 2022 dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the active work of NABU in Kyrgyzstan.

Erlan Abdyldaev also proposed to develop interaction on the basis of the resolution «Nature knows no borders:transboundary cooperation — a key factor for biodiversity conservation, restoration and sustainable use» adopted at the initiative of the Kyrgyz Republic by the UN General Assembly, which fully corresponds to the goals and objectives of NABU.

He told about the consequences of the activities of Kumtor company for environment.