USD 86.80
EUR 91.46
RUB 0.87

Exchange rate of U.S. dollar drops in Kyrgyzstan

Exchange rate of the U.S. dollar dropped by 3-5 tyiyins in Kyrgyzstan for the first time since beginning of September.

Exchange offices and commercial banks of the capital buy the dollar for 69.7-69.75 soms, and sell — for 69.85-69.87 soms.

The nominal rate of the National Bank is 69,8317 (0.02 percent decrease).

At the same time, the Russian ruble has been growing in price since last week — by 15-20 tyiyins. Today it is bought for 1,085-1,088 soms, and sold — for 1,093-1.1 soms.

The nominal rate is 1,0937 soms (0.55 percent growth).
