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Prime Minister to assess actions of Tuigunaaly Abdraimov

Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev will consider the behavior of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government in Chui region Tuigunaaly Abdraimov. Spokesman Adilet Sultanaliev told.

«The Prime Minister Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev regrets about the situation with the official of this rank and a journalist, since such an incident casts a shadow on the entire executive branch of power,» Adilet Sultanaliev said.

He added that the head of Government always demands open and transparent work from the heads of state bodies. The Prime Minister always stresses that this is the only way to increase the level of citizens’ confidence in the government and in government decisions.

«It especially concerns the issues of interaction with representatives of the journalistic community, who always pay attention to the most pressing issues in society. In this regard, after examining all the circumstances of the incident, Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev will consider the issue of giving an assessment to the actions of Tuigunaaly Abdraimov,» he added.

The official refused to give a comment to the media representative during the events in Orok village the day before. «I don’t like your face,» he added, addressing a journalist from AKIpress.
