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Head of government wants to revise issue of diplomatic passport rules

The Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan believes it is necessary to revise the rules for issue of official and diplomatic passports. Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev said the day before at a government meeting.

According to him, it is necessary to introduce certain requirements for the use of such passports and set clear rules concerning those who can obtain them.

"Let's change the requirements, talk with the President, the Parliament. The service passport is given to a person to fulfill his or her duties at a high level, and not to have a rest and entertain when they want," the head of government said.

"We must always think about our behavior, our appearance. Do not think that people do not see anything. We must learn to talk with the press, the public, what kind of tie to wear, what suit. We must comply with the dress code. If we ourselves are not a model, how can we teach others. The events of the last days in the two ministries are a test for our government. We must endure it," summed up Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev.
