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Ulukbek Maripov meets with Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov

The Prime Ministers of Kyrgyzstan Ulukbek Maripov and Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov met in a narrow format. Press service of the Cabinet of Ministers reported.

During the talks, the parties discussed the entire range of topical issues of bilateral cooperation, as well as further prospects for interaction in the areas of trade facilitation and implementation of joint investment projects.

«Development of good-neighborly relations and mutually beneficial cooperation with Uzbekistan in all spheres is a priority area of ​​foreign policy for Kyrgyzstan. Following the results of the last meeting, the heads of our states set before us the task of achieving the volume of mutual trade turnover of up to $ 2 billion in the coming years. Taking into account the existing potential for further development of trade and economic cooperation, I am convinced that through joint efforts we will be able to achieve this indicator in the coming years,» Ulukbek Maripov said.

The Prime Minister stressed that the past 2020 was not an easy for all countries, but thanks to efforts of the governments of the two countries, the volume of trade between the states did not decrease, but increased by 10 percent.

«For its part, the Kyrgyz Republic intends to further build up trade and economic cooperation in all spheres and industries with maximum use of advantages of economies of our countries,» the head of the Cabinet said.

The Heads of Government of the two countries agreed on practical implementation of agreements previously reached by the Presidents of the two republics. In addition, the parties reached positive agreements in terms of railway transit cargo transportation, on the supply of high-yielding wheat and cotton seeds to Kyrgyzstan on a preferential basis.

Uzbekistan is also ready to provide 10,000 seedlings of fruit and berry crops on a gratuitous basis in the near future; there is an agreement on uninterrupted supply of mineral fertilizers to Kyrgyzstan.