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Ulukbek Maripov comments on restructuring of state-owned companies

The Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan Ulukbek Maripov introduced a new leader — Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Digital Development Azamat Dyikanbaev to the staff of the Ministry of Digital Development. Press service of the Cabinet of Ministers reported.

Ulukbek Maripov outlined the importance of active implementation of digital transformation and support of domestic IT specialists. He reminded that digitalization issues are considered as one of the priority areas in the work of the new Cabinet of Ministers. It was decided to create the Ministry of Digital Development for a more efficient solution of digitalization tasks, transfer of all state and municipal services to an electronic format.

«Our task is to cover all spheres of life with the digitalization process, including interaction with state and local authorities, healthcare, education, tourism, transport, construction, and services,» the head of the Cabinet stressed.

At a meeting with employees, he raised the issue of reorganization of state-owned enterprises.

«During the restructuring of state-owned enterprises, the task was set to retain IT experts as much as possible. As for the administrative office of enterprises, only duplicating functions will be reduced to save the budget,» Ulukbek Maripov noted.

In turn, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers — Minister of Digital Development Azamat Dyikanbaev outlined the importance of rallying around a single goal — building digital Kyrgyzstan to ensure sustainability of the country’s development, finding a niche on the emerging digital map of the world and creating new jobs.

«He also stressed the value of each IT and digital expert and his task in this position in retaining and employing technical specialists of state enterprises who are ready to unite around a common idea and team values,» the message says.
