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Kyrgyzstan to conduct forests’ inventory

In 2019, the State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry plans to conduct a full inventory of forests in Kyrgyzstan. Director of the state enterprise Kyrgyzlesohotustroistvo Sabyrbek Chukumbayev told.

Currently, there are two types of accounting. This is the national inventory of forests at the level of the republic and at the level of forestry. National inventory is conducted regardless of the type of land. Forests grow on lands of all eight categories.

The national inventory was carried out in 2008-2010. It was the first in Central Asia. «This is a scrupulous and costly event, taking into account field research. In addition, once in five years we keep a record of the forest fund,» said Sabyrbek Chukumbayev.

According to him, the area of ​​forests is increasing due to shrubs. «We detected 277,000 hectares that were not part of the forest fund. Now we determine their exact location, the composition of the wood species. We will use remote sounding, satellite images,» he told.
