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Kyrgyzstan plans to introduce new road signs

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic submitted for public discussion a draft government decree to protect the lives and health of citizens, streamline traffic, and to exclude functions not related to road safety.

The document introduces new road signs «Driver- beginner» and «Taxi.» «They were approved in foreign countries and showed positive results. The introduction of «Driver — beginner» sign helps young drivers while driving a vehicle and saves them from all kinds of trouble on the roads. For example, another driver will keep a safe distance to a vehicle with such a sign, and will often give way,» the background statement says.

The analysis of the accident incidence rate showed that insufficient experience of drivers contributes to an increase in the number of traffic accidents.

For 5 years, there have been registered 1,735 traffic accidents involving drivers with experience up to one year, in which 263 people were killed and 2,946 were injured.

The road sign is a yellow square with an exclamation mark.

It is installed on the back of mechanical vehicles (with the exception of tractors, self-propelled vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds), driven by drivers with less than two years of driving experience.

«The introduction of «Taxi» sign will bring an order to the taxi fleet, will facilitate the implementation and enforcement of a number of regulatory legal acts in the part of carrying out commercial transportation of passengers, baggage and cargo,» the Interior Ministry expects.

The sign will consist of five or more black and white squares, located in two rows or more. It is allowed to put «Taxi» sign on the car body and (or) on the identification lamp in several languages.
