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Kyrgyzstanis with biometric ID cards can pass border control by themselves

Kyrgyzstanis with a biometric ID cards can avoid border control at the airport. Representatives of Manas International Airport OJSC told today at a press conference in Bishkek.

According to them, three electronic stands with displays were installed at Manas Airport nearby border control stands. «Approach them without a help of the State Border Service employees. Insert your passport, take a fingerprint, and the passage opens,» they explained.

Only three stands are working in the test mode for about one month. After testing, the system may work in normal mode.

«These e-gates can be used not for all destinations. This applies only to Russia and Kazakhstan — those countries with whom we have an agreement on the use of ID cards. Only Kyrgyz citizens with biometric passports (ID cards) who come from Russia and Kazakhstan can go through the e-gates,» said the director of Financial and Economic Directorate Zhanyl Abikova.
