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Two Chinese and one domestic company to invest in Smart City

The Chinese companies Huawei and Beijing China Veterans Lingxin Capital Management, as well as the domestic Aka Minerals and Mining LLC, will invest their funds in Smart City project in Kyrgyzstan. This became known at ceremony of signing of the contract with the companies the day before.

Working groups had reportedly completed consultations on the legal, technical and financial aspects of the project promotion. The result was the conclusion of an investment agreement with Huawei Technologies.

At the same time, the training of specialists in working with equipment and software will be the responsibility of co-investors — Beijing China Veterans Lingxin Capital Management and Aka Minerals and Mining LLC. After commissioning of project elements, the investor undertakes to ensure their technical operation and maintenance.

The government will choose an operator of Smart City project, which will manage the installed equipment.

The Cabinet believes that the implementation of the project will maximize security on the streets and roads of cities, major thoroughfares of the city, intersections, public events places, will help to more quickly and reasonably resolve controversial situations in traffic accidents, and effectively deal with criminal and terrorist threats.
