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Government assures that it is also concerned about glaciers

«One is trying to force the Parliament to legalize past sins on Kumtor and continue lawlessness, which was before,» deputy Natalia Nikitenko said at the session of the Parliament today.

She believes that today there are all grounds for the public and civic activists to raise the acute problem of the destruction of glaciers.

«Because of Kumtor, the government and Parliament were changing, there was a revolution. Now the government is talking about signing a new agreement on Kumtor. But one can’t fix the damage that has already been done,» Natalya Nikitenko complained.

Vice Prime Minister Duishenbek Zilaliev answered that the Cabinet also thinks about glaciers and worries about them. And an assessment of who is guilty of illegal decisions on Kumtor will still be given. But now one needs to pass a law to exclude further disputes about this, especially since the glaciers Davydov and Lysyi have already been developed.
