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700 Kyrgyz citizens fined in Kazakhstan for violation of registration rules

Almost 700 citizens of Kyrgyzstan have been brought to justice since October 10, 2017 for violation of the registration rules in Kazakhstan. Director of the State Language and Information Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan Almas Sadubayev stated. Tengrinews.kz reports.

It is reported that from September 10 till December 1, 2017, a planned operational and preventive measure «Uchastok» is being conducted. Policemen carry out apartment and house visits.

«From October 9 to 18, over 28,000 administrative violations were revealed, including 518 — in the sphere of family-household relations, more than 1,300 — petty hooliganism. More than 5,000 violators were brought to administrative responsibility for violating the rules of registration for permanent and temporary residence, including 3,778 citizens of Kazakhstan and 1,647 foreigners. At least 701 of them are citizens of Uzbekistan, 685 — Kyrgyzstan, 71- Russia, 27-Tajikistan and 163 — from other countries,» Almas Sadubayev said.

1,713 violators of migration legislation were deported from Kazakhstan and reduced their registration deadlines for violation of the registration rules.

Recall, difficulties on the Kyrgyz-Kazakh border began since the evening of October 10, 2017. At the same time, Kyrgyz citizens began to complain that they were reduced their stay in Kazakhstan without registration and of the difficulties in registration process.

Kyrgyz officials are trying to solve problems. So, on the eve, the talks between the prime ministers of Kyrgyzstan Sapar Isakov and Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Sagintayev took place. The issues with the passage of citizens of the border were resolved. Difficulties with passing of the border by cargo remained.
