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Strengthening state language status requires joint efforts of society and state

Conducting of effective state language policy, real strengthening of the status of the state language requires joint efforts of the society and the state. This is stated in the greetings of Almazbek Atambayev on the occasion of the State Language Day. The Information Policy Department of the Presidential Administration reported.

«The adopted National Program for the Development of the State Language and the Improvement of Language Policy in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2014-2020 is aimed at ensuring the full functioning of the state language as the most important factor in strengthening the unity of the people of Kyrgyzstan. The program emphasizes the importance of implementing a language policy that meets modern requirements, expanding the outlook of the younger generation through the development of state, official and foreign languages,» the greeting says.

«Conducting of an effective state language policy, real strengthening of the status of the state language requires joint efforts of the society and the state. In recent years, much has been done in this field by joint efforts, but even more needs to be done,» the President is sure.

A nation can not exist without language; it is destined to die out. I am deeply convinced that the Kyrgyz language will necessarily become a full-fledged mean of inter-ethnic communication of the peoples of Kyrgyzstan, contributing to their rapprochement, mutual enrichment, if each of us makes a concrete contribution to the common goal.

Almazbek Atambayev

«There are no friends and foes here, we all are a part of the united people of Kyrgyzstan. And we can achieve a successful result only together!» the head of state added.
