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Ata Meken party member refuses to accept state award from President

The head of Erdik Foundation, Kanybek Myrzakanov, refused to get a state award from the President of the country.

He explained the demarche saying that earlier the head of state called Ata Meken party «stinky».

Kanybek Myrzakanov is well known to readers of 24.kg news agency. For many years he and his family have been searching for missing soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. He managed to find together with his comrades more than 300 people.

State awarding ceremony took place in Ala Archa residence on July 12. All nominees were rewarded for their contribution to cultural, social and economic development.

The only one who refused to participate in the ceremony and accept the award was Kanatbek Myrzakanov.

However, the member of Ata Meken clarified that he would take the award if another official gives it to him.
