USD 87.45
EUR 90.60
RUB 0.86

Large substation, energizing several districts of Chui region, upgraded

A large 220 kV substation Kara-Balta, which energizes Panfilov, Moscow, Jaiyl and Sokuluk districts of Chui region of Kyrgyzstan as well as Junda oil refinery, was modernized.

The substation was put into operation in 1976 with a single autotransformer. Under ADB project, morally and physically obsolete oil switches were replaced with modern ones. New sealed voltage transformers and current transformers were installed.

Currently, a lightning protection wire with fiber-optic cable was laid from the substation Kara-Balta to Glavnaya substation and further to Chuyskaya substation with a total length of 150.4 kilometers, as well as from Kara-Balta substation to Frunzenskaya substation with the length of 63 kilometers.
