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Every second Kyrgyzstani plans to change job in 2025 — survey

Almost every second Kyrgyzstani plans to change job in 2025. HeadHunter recruiting agency conducted a survey that showed that 47 percent of employed citizens want to change their jobs in the new year. Marketing and PR Manager Rakhima Makhmudova reported.

According to her, the largest number of employees planning to change jobs is registered in transport and logistics sector — 64 percent. The following sectors are:

  • Trade and sales — 58 percent;
  • Production and agriculture — 54 percent.

The lowest number of people willing to change jobs is among IT employees (14 percent) and civil servants (11 percent).

The main reasons for changing jobs: financial instability of employers (69 percent of respondents), lack of a social package and guarantees (45 percent), overtime and working conditions that do not meet expectations (37 percent).

Another 15 percent of survey participants noted a desire to go freelance. This is especially popular among young people, where professions in marketing, design and programming are in demand.

Every sixth respondent is considering the possibility of working abroad.
