USD 87.44
EUR 94.43
RUB 0.97

New substation and power transmission line built in Osh region

A new administrative building of Kara-Kuldzha power distribution zone, a 110/10 kilowatt substation Bulolu and a 10 kilovolt power transmission line Zhar-Bashy — Jekendi were put into operation in Osh region. The press service of the Ministry of Energy of Kyrgyzstan reported.

The new modern building of Kara-Kuldzha district power distribution zone was built to replace the dilapidated one, which was built back in 1965.

The commissioning of the 110/10 kilowatt substation in Bulolu village, Alai district, will provide the local population with a stable power supply.

Construction of the 10 kilovolt power transmission line Zhar-Bashy — Jekendi with a length of 22 kilometers improved the quality of power supply to 1,335 consumers in Jekendi village.

All facilities were built at the expense of NENK OJSC.
