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Authorities advocate ban on use of religion for political purposes

The State Commission on Religious Affairs of Kyrgyzstan advocates a ban on the creation of political parties on a religious basis, and against the participation of political organizations in religious activities.

The draft law «On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts in the Religious Sphere» has been submitted for public discussion.

Officials also propose imposing a ban on:

  • Creation and activities of political parties of foreign states, as well as their divisions;
  • Creation of political parties on a religious basis, as well as their participation in religious activities;
  • Display and other use in campaign materials of parts and elements of information (images), containing direct and indirect borrowings or references to religious topics, during election campaigning, as well as in the names of parties;
  • Financing the activities of political parties by foreign states, foreign parties, legal entities and individuals of foreign states, as well as subjects of religious activity;
  • Use and dissemination of information of a religious nature during election campaigning.

As the background statement says, a fine is provided for wearing clothing that does not allow identification of a citizen in government agencies and public places, with the exception of clothing related to work and official activities, as well as covering the face for medical reasons. The proposed fine is 20,000 soms.

It is also proposed to impose a financial penalty for illegally obstructing the activities of religious organizations, religious educational institutions, preachers of foreign religious organizations or performing religious rites, or illegally obstructing the free choice and expression of religious and other beliefs or forcing to express, change or renounce them. The fine for an individual will be 20,000 soms, for legal entities — 65,000.

A fine is also imposed for inviting religious figures, preachers and preachers of foreign religious organizations to conduct religious ceremonies, meetings and other religious events in nursing homes and homes for the disabled, correctional institutions, pre-trial detention centers, as well as in units of the Armed Forces without the consent of the authorized state body for religious affairs.

The fine for violation for individuals will be 20,000 soms, and for legal entities — 65,000.

Fines are also provided for holding election campaigning, meetings and other events of a political nature at religious facilities — 20,000 soms for individuals, 65,000 soms for legal entities.

For interference of religious organizations or their representatives in the activities of state authorities, local governments and their officials, the fine for individuals will be 20,000 soms, for legal entities — 65,000 soms.

Teaching religious subjects individually outside a religious educational institution will result in a fine for individuals — 20,000 soms, for legal entities — 65,000 soms.

Distribution of religious literature, religious printed, audio, video materials regardless of the information carriers in public places, as well as visits to residential premises, state and municipal organizations, in preschool educational and general educational organizations entails a fine for an individual of 20,000 soms, for a legal entity — 65,000 soms.

Financing of the activities of political parties by subjects of religious activity is unacceptable. A fine of 20,000 soms is provided for individuals, for legal entities — 65,000 soms for this.

For carrying out religious activities, using a religious facility without the appropriate registration with the authorized state body for religious affairs, a fine of 20,000 soms will be imposed on individuals, and 65,000 soms — on legal entities. Discrimination in oral or written form against a person or group based on religious affiliation (including on the Internet) entails a fine for individuals of 20,000 soms, and for legal entities — 65,000 soms.
