For more objective and differentiated assessment, the five-point grading scale will be transformed into a ten-point scale. The draft concept of switch to 12-year school education in the Kyrgyz Republic, published on the website of the Kyrgyz Academy of Education, says.
This transition is reflected in the concept of assessment and further in the methodological materials for teachers.
It is noted that in grades 1 — 2 the assessment is ungraded and is carried out in the form of qualitative characteristics that allow the teacher to choose the optimal teaching methodology. In grades 3-6, the teachers switch to the use of grades. The grading system is introduced on a criterion-based basis and makes it possible to monitor the educational results and progress of students and to determine the level of readiness to learn at the next level of education.
The learning and development results in primary school are measured at the end of the 6th grade in the form of final certification (comprehensive testing) in the main types of basic literacy (reading, writing, mathematical and scientific literacy). The learning results at the secondary school level are assessed after the 8th grade in order to determine the inclinations and interests in certain subjects/educational area.
To determine the level of students’ proficiency in the state language based on Kyrgyztest system, comprehensive standardized testing is conducted in certain grades. Russian as a second language and English are assessed through standardized testing.
There are no transfer exams, except for 6th and 9th grades.
The Nationwide Testing is retained for entrants to higher education institutions as a test to determine the ability of graduates to further study in a higher education institution.
The draft concept was adopted at the board meeting of the Ministry of Education and sent for approval to the Cabinet of Ministers, the document has not yet been approved.
The issue of possible changes in the assessment system has been discussed in Kyrgyzstan for several years. Earlier, the National Center for Education Quality Assessment and Information Technology prepared a draft proposal for a seven- and ten-point grading system.