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Kyrgyzstan to host first archery tournament

An archery tournament will for the first time be held in Kyrgyzstan. The head of one of the travel companies Sergei Glukhoverov posted on Facebook.

According to him, the tournament among archers is organized in honor of the famous archer Janyl-Myrza, who lived in the XVII century.

The event is scheduled for August 3 and will be held in Bokonbaevo village as part of Salbuurun festival.

Representatives from all seven regions will take part in the competition.

«The tournament is dedicated to the historical personality Janyl-Myrza, who is known as a wise leader, busy with constant concerns for her people. The glorified warrior was an excellent horsewoman. She perfectly mastered martial and hunting arts of her time. She shot from a bow accurately, hunted well with shumkar birds and taigan dogs,» Sergei Glukhoverov posted.
