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Ministry of Education of Kyrgyzstan announces plans to launch e-school

Launch of an electronic school is planned in Kyrgyzstan. Deputy Minister of Education and Science Muratbek Kasymaliev told 24.kg news agency.

According to him, then there will be no shortage of both textbooks and teachers, and children will have the opportunity to gain knowledge online using e-books. Preparations are currently underway.

«Let’s say a student from a village can sign up for a math lesson with a city teacher. A lesson will appear online on the platform, including a presentation, audio and video materials, and a test on the topic. The student completes the assignments, sends answers to the electronic platform and receives a grade that will be registered in the village. This way the student can choose a teacher. The system itself will check the students’ answers, and the teacher will simply post materials on the website,» Muratbek Kasymaliev explained the principle of work of the electronic school.

He noted that this involves independent work by the student.

Planned launch of an e-school for home-schooled children in pilot mode was announced back in August 2022.
