The Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Migration of Kyrgyzstan has developed and submitted for public discussion a draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers «On the transfer of days off in 2024.»
It is offered to announce the following days off for employees of state and municipal organizations, institutions and enterprises financed from the state budget, working on a five-day working week schedule:
- From January 1 to January 7;
- From March 21 to March 24;
- From May 1 to May 5.
This schedule is recommended for use by managers of privately owned legal entities that work on a five-day workweek schedule.
«At the same time, it should be noted that by the draft law «On the enactment of the Labor Code and amendments to some legislative acts in the field of labor» it is planned to abolish the practice of developing additional decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers on the transfer of days off coinciding with weekends in order to rationally use weekends and non-working holidays by employees, ensure economic growth, which requires increasing labor productivity, continuity in trade, financial and banking operations and other business processes,» the ministry added.