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Average pension in Kyrgyzstan to reach 9,400 soms after increase

Based on the results of the upcoming indexation of the insurance part of the pensions, the average size of the pension will be 9,413 soms. Chairman of the Social Fund of Kyrgyzstan Baktiyar Aliyev said in an interview with Akipress.

He recalled that pensions are proposed to be increased by 38 percent. But at the same time, the amount of the increase should not be less than 500 soms. As a result, almost 219,000 elderly people whose pension is less than 5,000 soms will have it increased by 81.1 percent.

As for pensions over 5,000 soms, their insurance part will be indexed by 38 percent.

At the same time, the insurance part of the pension of each pensioner will be increased individually, it depends on the amount of the insurance part of the pension.

For example, for pensions in the amount from 5,000 to 10,000 soms, the insurance part will be increased on average by 1,470 soms, from 10,000 to 20,000 soms — 3,932 soms, over 20,000 soms — 9,536 soms, and so on.

«These measures protect the interests of both the low-income citizens by establishing a minimum threshold (500 soms) and citizens making large contributions to the pension system, the more contributions, the higher the indexation,» Baktiyar Aliyev said.

According to the preliminary calculations of the Social Fund, the number of pensioners in the republic as of October 1, 2023 will reach 765,600 people.
