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STEM education program to be introduced in kindergartens in Kyrgyzstan

Six thousand teachers will master the STEM education program for preschool children. The Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan reported.

According to it, employees of the ministry, the Republican Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Pedagogical Workers, methodologists and kindergarten teachers in Bishkek, Sokuluk and Alamedin districts of Chui region tested the partial modular program STEM-preschooler.

«STEM-preschooler is part of the training program for 6,000 teachers of preschool educational organizations and 57 methodologists of district and city departments of education on modern practices of work with children,» the ministry noted.

The program was developed within the framework of the project «Strengthening the Foundations of Learning», implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science with the financial support of the World Bank.

STEM is a term for an approach to learning and development that combines the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
