USD 87.45
EUR 91.63
RUB 0.97

Nearly 60,000 people applied for preferential mortgage from state

At the end of 2022, at least 56,800 people were registered on the lists for participation in My Home 2021-2026 program on the electronic portal. The Ministry of Finance provided such data.

State Mortgage Company JSC approved the list of participants, consisting of 19,695 citizens. There are 9,100 people in the queue for consideration by banks.

«To implement My Home 2021-2026 program and provide financial resources to State Mortgage Company JSC, 3.8 billion soms were allocated in 2022 to increase the authorized capital. Thanks to the authorized capital and working capital, 1,804 people received mortgage loans for 4,655 billion soms last year,» the Ministry of Finance noted.
