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Kyrgyzstan’s flag raised at highest point of Antarctica

Entrepreneur Kadyr Saidilkan raised the Kyrgyzstan’s flag at the highest point in Antarctica, Vinson Mount. The former director of NTRC Ilim Karypbekov wrote.

He named this day a historical one for Kyrgyzstan.

«For the first time in our history, the Kyrgyz flag has been raised on the highest point of Antarctica — on the Vinson Massif! This was done by the son of the Kyrgyz people Kadyr Saidilkan today at 6 a.m.,» Ilim Karypbekov wrote.

Vinson Mount (4,892 meters) is the highest peak of the eponymous massif and the whole of Antarctica, located in the Sentinel Range of the Ellsworth mountain system. The massif was discovered in 1957 by American aircraft and named after Carl Vinson, the famous American politician.
