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New General Director of Electric Stations JSC appointed

The head of Electric Stations JSC has been replaced again. Press service of the company reported.

The largest generating company is now headed by a new General Director, Osmon Kachkynbaev. He replaced Aibek Aidaraliev at this post, who left it for health reasons. The latter had worked in the position for a little more than two months.

Osmon Kachkynbaev is a hydraulic engineer. Prior to the appointment, he held the position of the Director of the branch of Electric Stations JSC — Kambarata HPP-1 and HPP-2.

Electric Stations JSC is the largest company, generating 98 percent of all electricity in Kyrgyzstan. The company includes seven hydroelectric power plants and two heating and power plants, as well as Bishkekteploset.
