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Mini-plant for disposal of garment industry’s waste to be built in Bishkek

A mini-plant for disposal of the garment industry’s waste will be built in Bishkek. Director of the Agency for Development and Attraction of Investments of the City Hall of the capital, Kurmanbek Moldokulov, said at the round table «Is Bishkek ready for another winter with smog?»

According to him, there is a room in the lower zone of the capital where the mini-plant will be located.

«The plant will work at the expense of investments from Germany. Investors will be allocated land free of charge, and they will install the appropriate equipment and pay for utilities. As far as I know, there are already customers who intend to supply garment waste. Investors promise to bring and install equipment by the end of the year,» Kurmanbek Moldokulov told.
